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Sunday, December 23, 2012


I have been lacking on my blog lately since my house is full with my daughters.  In these times of uncertainty there one and only (well really two) things you can count on ... first of course is God and the other is family ... I have been blessed with both.

I am hoping that everyone is getting ready for the big day coming next week and remember the importance of the gifts that have been given to us. 

God Bless Everyone and Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 20, 2012


Well it finally happened ... hard frost.

We knew that sooner or later that this day would be here where we would experience our longest delay we have had since last year.  Please help us by not driving or walking on the golf course until it is opened. 

Please check with the Pro shop before entering the golf course.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Cold Weather

Cold weather is upon us with temperatures dipping into the low 40's even high 30's.  So far no frost but that can easily change thus we are asking that you please check with the Pro Shop before entering the golf course.  This will reduce the potential of long-term damage.

The one piece of good news is that the roughs are back under control and should stay there for quite some time.  We even are finding some time to address some of the details that we had to put on the back burner during the time of heavy growth.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Ladies Team Play -- 5 Days After Opening

On Nov 12, 2012, five days after opening the golf course we had our very first 18 hole shotgun on Nov 17, 2012 for Ladies Fall Team Play at 8:30 am.  This was unusual to have an event so close to the opening of the golf course especially after the opening week was during a reduced staff due to the holiday and the first time we opened on a Wednesday vs a Friday as we have done for the past 40 years. 

So why do I bring this up after a month since the event - well yesterday it was brought to my attention that there have been some e-mails about the divots on the range from the opening weekend.  Now I will admit I haven't seen these e-mails so their exact content I do not know ... but I would like to discuss that day to get everyone on the same page.

Historically, and every time before this event when we have a 18 hole shotgun on a Monday we save the practice area (except the putting green and chipping green) until after the shotgun starts.  There are several reasons for doing this such as allows my team to focus and prepare the golf course on time for the event (since on Mondays we preform an entire mowing including tees, fairways and approaches), and also to pull a majority of the team off the field and to the practice to be out of the way for the ladies or the event.

The plan was working perfectly, and we included several extras for the ladies such as rolling the greens, painting the cups with hole-n-white, blowing clippings of the greens and their surrounds, ensuring the bunkers were correct, checking sand and see divot boxes, and the list goes on and on.  The good news is that a the golf course was prepared on time and to the 10 to 15 groups I spoke to they loved the conditions ... even after only being opened for five days.

Sounds great?  Well not everything was that smooth.  The golf course may have been fantastic but at 8:45 am I received a call from the GM stating that their were several upset about divots on the DR tee complex (by the way the sweeper was on route to clean as planned).  Being that the last time I was near the practice area was at 5:30 am (in the dark) I went over immediately to check out the issue ... and sure enough there was excess divots.  We handled them and the practice area as planned and made a change to our normal routine from hence forward.

Well I hear the e-mails keep flying blaming me for the whole thing.  My question is simple ... where was everyone else?  With shortened staff levels, holidays, etc. it would be nice if the team (including the members) helps in anyway possible to showcase our product.  I will admit that I was focusing on the golf course and its showing, and never returned to the practice but several others were there before the ladies team play appeared.  One quick phone call from anyone would have made us shine especially considering we just opened after overseed.

So please, if there issues you see (anyone) that can make Avondale be better, do not hesitate to contact me directly and immediately.  I am only one set of eyes with what I think is important to get done and being human I will not see everything.  As a team ... great things can happen.  Knowing what is wanted aids us in giving those things.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Foliar Fertilizing, Spot Seeding, Etc.

This morning we are foliar fertilizing the fairways with potassium nitrate and iron sulfate to improve the tillering and color of the turf.  Our goal is to be completely done long before the membership comes out to play.  With the cooling weather on the horizon this will be one of the last foliar applications in Dec.
Almost Lost Ernie in the Rough
As the weather cools we are finally getting back on top of the roughs since the growth rate is slowing down.  Thus instead of just pushing the turf over we are getting cleaner cuts.  The good news is that by week's end we should be back on top again ... barring any unforeseen issues or equipment problems.
Just Kidding - This Was Around a Tree -- Ernie Was Found
The spot seeding will continue again today in some traffic worn areas and turn areas around the golf course.  We usually continue this touch up seeding until mid January at which point the bermudagrass comes back into play.

Lastly, the framing on the walk way going to 5's bathroom should be removed today and the area will be cleaned up and prepped for the upcoming weekend.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Working with Mother Nature

Avondale Golf Club contains 117 acres of turfgrass of which 31 acres are tees, fairways and approaches; and 3.0 acres are greens.  This means that there are 83 acres of roughs that contain our signature trees that prevent quick and easy mowing.  So breakdown this problem especially during this time where Mother Nature is warmer than normal thus turf growth is optimum.

On Saturday and Sunday, the half the team comes in for a quick mow and go which includes three greens mowers, one set up person, two bunker team members and a supervisor - or seven of the 14 total team members working on the GCM team.  Since these team members glean no OT they have to have a day off during the week, except the supervisor which means an average 1.2 person reduction during the week.

On Monday, Wednesday & Friday we mow and maintain the tees, approaches, fairways, and practice area all before play has a chance to catch us thus on those days we only have one of the weekend team members off thus leaving the crew size at 13 ... but with keeping in budget one team member must be on vacation almost every week, thus this number of crew is dropped to 12.  In the first four hours of the day we will have three greens mowers, two tee / approach mowers, two bunker guys, one set up person, two fairway mowers, a clipping removal member, one collar mower (also mows nurseries and small tees) and supervisor (usually helping in one form). 

So on M, W, F we get four hours for three rough mowers and two bank mower in best case scenarios.  Not including moving obstacles such as ropes and stakes, signs, etc. a average bank mower can mow 5 ft swath at 3 mph for four hours or 7.3 acres (14.6 acres for two).  A rough unit can mow a 12 foot swath or 13.1 acres (39.3 acres for three units).  Thus this 53.9 acres per day sounds great and makes it appear at first glance that within 2.2 days we should have the roughs mowed.

So why isn't this true that the roughs are mowed perfectly?  Well the numbers above do not count travel time to and from the next area to be mowed; care and cleaning of the machine; is the machine even working (two of our rough units are over 13 years old); moving ropes & stakes and replacing them, cutting around trees and roots, and the best reason - not interfering with the play.  Thus our best case we can mow the roughs in their entirety within 2.6 days or about twice per week.  But I should note that this doesn't include shotguns, ladies events, special events, and all of those things that occur in season.

Right now with the growth being at an average of 0.5 inches per day or 3.5 inches per week quite often we will have to double mow areas since the first pass usually pushes the turf down since it hasn't thicken up thus our current rate of completing the roughs is 1.5 times per week ... this means by the time we have returned to a given area the grass has grown around 1.5 to 2.0 inches.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Walk Way, Fertilization & Trimming

Pat Kelly & Virginio finished the walk way to the bathroom on 5 yesterday and later this morning the framing should come down.  With ladies day today they should be the very first to utilized this new walk way.

This morning the fertilization of the fairways continues with an application of 21-7-14.  This will be the last granular application for this December, and there will only be two more foliar applications remaining.  One of which will be the Thursday, and the second foliar application is slated for the upcoming Monday.

The tree trimmers are on the final leg of the trimming and could easily be finished today.  As always I haven't heard one complaint thanks to their professionalism and their ability to work around play.

Monday, December 10, 2012

5's Bathroom Walking Path

Pumping Concrete to the Top Half of the Walkway
Today is the big pour of the walkway going from 5's tee to the bathroom and down to the road.  This project has been planned for years but with the HOA working on installing a new wall along Sweetwater it finally came to fruition.
Virginio Stomps Down the Wire Mesh for the Walkway
This will be a nice addition to the golf course and will look so much better than the old gravel walkway.  Additionally, this morning we are fertilizing the greens and with the cooling weather getting ready to finally cutback the water.
11's Green 12-10-12
Tree trimming is nearly a conclusion and looks great.  By Wednesday the project will be finished. This trimming not only reduces the weight in the branches of the trees but also allows light to reach the turf.
3+ Foot Hive of Bees About 25 Feet from the Ground
A word of caution ... on the right side of 11 along the property line there is a quite large hive of bees.  We discovered them as we were trimming and will shortly have them removed.  So far no one has seemed to notice them but still they can be dangerous.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

What is with This Weather Lately

It is difficult to believe it is December with the temperatures outside being so fantastic.  I cannot recall a year since I have been in the Valley with the darn near perfect golfing weather.  From the lack of winds caused by the storm fronts blowing through to the higher than normal temperatures ... great for growing grass, and great for the golfer as well.

The only drawback is that normally during December the weather allows the maintenance team to catch up on details and get everything ready for the high-season.  Instead, this year we are still mowing heavy, still irrigating heavy and in general putting most to all of our inputs in just keeping the golf course ready for play.

Friday, December 7, 2012

71 Years Today

Sixty-one years ago today Pearl Harbor laid silent until waken by dive bombers and attacking zeroes.  Having stood above the USS Arizona in the harbor knowing there were still the seaman inside who never saw it coming you realize the sacrifice that our young in uniform do everyday to keep peace in the world ... or the best they can.  This day will always live infamy.
6's Green in the Morning Light
Yesterday we finished up the granular fertilization and touched up areas worn down by traffic with seed.  Basically, we put down an additional 1,800 pounds or almost a ton of seed to help make our golf course flawless ... or as close as possible considering that it is a living system.

Today, we are finishing up the cart paths and the roughs.  Also we will be getting ready for the weekend as well.  With the holidays right around the corner some of the team will taking some well deserved time off while the others will be working reduced hours to keep payroll in line.  December and the first week in January are always challenging times to get things done but we always seem to finish ... but to help us please put a small prayer in for cooler weather.
12's Green Before Mowing
This warmer than normal December has been fantastic for turf growth, but a nightmare for getting back on top of it.  We always have a major flush in growth after the overseeding due to all of the nutrients applied to aid in the fill in, but normally the weather and temperatures drop allowing us to get back on top and stay there ... well this year has been a different story.  Even with at times sending four rough units and two bank units we have barely been able to stay at even.  Don't worry we will get there again and soon.
Tree Trimmers Working on 17
Tree trimming of the big trees started yesterday and is expected to finish sometime next week.  This is a big job but luckily our trimmers have been servicing the golf course for years and are experts in staying out of the way of our membership.
Along 16 Fairway After Trimming

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Fertilizing Today

10's Green in the Still of the Morning
Today we will be fertilizing the fairways and tees with 9-9-9 super iron to not only aid in the tillering and filling in of these areas but to also add some much needed color to the ryegrass.  As the ryegrass grows it takes up nutrients thus quickly depleting the soil -- the foliar applications address the leaf color while the granular like today's application allows the turf to maintain this color.  Additional to the once granular and once foliar applications per week, we continue to add fertilizer (non-staining) during the nightly irrigation.
Eucalyptus Tree Staled for Trimming
Starting yesterday we started the trimming of the eucalyptus trees to aid in the reduction of the branch weight ... thus reducing limb breakage.  We are only doing 30 trees this year and should be finished by week's end next week.  So when you see the red or white ribbons on the trees it is not for there removal just to show the tree trimmer which trees need to be done.
11' Green Looking Quite Fine
With all of the topdressings and rolling of the greens they are almost exactly where I want them.  We have been rolling 10 for a couple of weeks now and they are rolling true ... but I have a couple minor flaws I am still addressing.  Also very soon we will be starting the gash-b-gone ball mark (pitch marks) recovery program.  This will expedite the recovery of the ball marks that have been improperly repaired on now at all.  For the proper procedure on ball mark repair reference our many signs around the golf course.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Rope & Stake Reduction

We started last week and hopefully should finish this week reducing the amount of ropes and stakes around the golf course.  The one critical aspect to this reduction and the health and safety of our turf is to take the path less driven and SCATTER.  The quick and short route can lead to damage within one to two days as evident on holes such as 1, 2, & 14 to name a couple.  So please help us maintain fantastic course conditions and drive somewhere where no one else has.
Wear Patterns Near 12's Tee
This reduction in ropes and stakes will greatly aid in our maintenance of the roughs.  And with the weather pattern we have been in for the past three weeks of 10 degrees greater than normal temperatures the roughs have been growing faster than we can mow.  The good news is the weather is cooling back down this weekend which will allow us to catch back up and stay ahead of the turf.
13's Green -- What A Beautiful Day
Additionally, reducing the ropes and stakes will free up a person who now spends a greater part of the day just shifting the ropes to reduce wear patterns and keeping the ropes out of the mowers way.  This means that we can focus this time towards detail items.
On this Friday we will be pouring the concrete on the new path going from the road and tee to the bathroom on 5.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

No More Photos for a Bit (Updated 12-6-12)

The last couple of posts you may have noticed I have been unable to post any photos.  Well for now this is true since I have utilized all of the space given in the hard drive of the blog.  I have e-mailed them to discuss options and hopefully soon will be able to post pictures soon.

Today, we are foliar applying fertilizer to the fairways to promote growth and fill in.  Also slated for this week we have another granular fertilizer application and some spot seeding in traffic worn areas and just in weak areas in general.

Yesterday, Mr. Clapper, the Green Committee chairman, and I drove the golf course and discussed a few issues and concerns.  The first issue has been the abundance of bees in the carob trees.  Recently, on holes 9 and 14 the carob trees have been a "buzz" with bees feeding on the blooms.  Bees like humans like the chocolate flavors that come from the carob trees but thankfully they are posing no harm at the present moment.  Second concern was the weaken areas such at the start of 2's fairway and the "lines" still remaining from the overseeding. 

As far as the weaken areas after further investigation it was determined that these areas were located mainly in the concentrated traffic areas and are recovering slowly.  We will and have been putting additional seed in these areas but if you as the members will help us by scattering the recovery will come quicker.  I have heard we applied less seed this year but let me assure you we have not ... so far the fairways have 1,260 lbs of seed per acre not including the additional 3,200 lbs we have put down in weaker areas.  The main reason we differ from most in the Valley at this time of year is because we lack wall-to-wall cart paths that most golf courses force you to remain on until Thanksgiving ... thus improving their quality of turf before cart traffic.  The good news is that as always in January we look better than most of them.
Rows in Question are Along the Right Side of the Picture
The last thing that Mr. Clapper and I looked at was the last few remaining "rows" from the overseeding process.  It has been only seven weeks since we finished up the overseeding and six weeks since that seed has germinated.  As the newly grown in turf finally tillers these areas will be completely gone.  December, thanks to shortened daylight and cooler temperatures is the time of year that ALL golf courses in the Valley look their worst -- hence the term given by Valley superintendent's December Gloom.  The good news is that the conditions will improve day after day as the Primo we applied on Nov 1st and the bi-weekly applications continue strengthen the turf.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Season Projects

Normally, we do not do projects during the season but as with most things anymore normal doesn't apply when items are requested.  Thanks to the generosity of a couple of members lantanas and grasses were purchased and given to the golf course for planting in areas such as the bed next to 7's tee (formally roses) and the big bed at the clubhouse.

Additionally, we are prepping the walk way going to 5's bathroom to convert it from gravel to concrete.  This upgrade has been discussed for years but finally is on the forefront nearing fruition.

Monday, November 26, 2012

After the Holidays

USC didn't win thus my poor Gators will not get a shot at that National title this year ... oh well, and go SEC.

The holidays were a success and we got everything we wanted done before the week's end even with a shortened staff.  I could not be more proud of the team and their efforts to get everything done on time and correctly.

This week is filled with numerous tasks to get us ready for December.  Historically, between the shortened daylight hours, cooler temperatures and slow growth the turf conditions will become less than par ... even with heavy maintenance.  In the industry we call this time of year "December Gloom."  The good news is that it occurs when less members are out to play and in January it is completely forgotten.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Hope for USC

Being a graduate on the University of Florida I never thought I would be cheering for USC. Well thanks to the Gators beating our in state rivals FSU the only way we have a shot at the title is if ND loses tonight to USC. This is even harder on me thanks to my Irish heritage.  But here it goes ... Go USC.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Roughs, Roughs, Roughs

It sometimes seems as fast as we are mowing the roughs they are growing right back up behind the mowers ... and thanks to the temperatures averaging 10 degrees greater than normal that isn't a understatement.  During normal weeks we are averaging seven to nine holes per day, and when we send out three or four rough units that average can be increased to 11 - 12 holes per day.

There are a lot of factors that can easily slow this process down from having to move the stakes and ropes before and after mowing, equipment breakage and down time, amount of play on a given day, to even such as this week where the staffing levels are reduced to make budget.  With increased temperatures such as what we are experiencing this daunting task becomes even more so daunting ... but rest assure we are addressing it quickly.

Today again we have full staffing levels and have all four rough units fully operational.  Additionally, both bank mowers (the units the address the roughs around tees & greens) will also be in the field today after first assignment has been completed.  The further speed the process we will have team members solely address moving and setting back the ropes.  These efforts should get us ready for the weekend, where all of the grass we have cut will grow back up again for Monday.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

To all of my extended Avondale family of the past eight years I wish everyone a Happy and Joyous Thanksgiving.  I am truly thankful for members at Avondale who always make me feel like a part of the family and I looked forward to always serving the best interest of Avondale.  The pride I take with the golf course, and the pride that my maintenance team takes can be seen in the product that we produce no matter what challenge faces us.  This family spirit is shared by the members as well with their generosity towards the team and their well being.

Today, besides giving thanks we will be prepping the golf course this morning for you and your family / guests to enjoy.  Then we will be out of your way for the entire day so nothing feels your ears but the chirping birds, and maybe the occasional "darn it" from someone missing a putt.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING  ... from the GCM Team.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

First Full Day of Work This Week

During the holiday week we on purpose reduce the the staffing hours to 32 hours so when they get their eight hours of holiday pay it equals to the 40 hours that has been budgeted.  To make this work and cover the "meat and potatoes" of the maintenance and prep work there are a bunch of days the team only comes in for four hours thus limited time to address the ever growing roughs or extra detail work.

Since last week's reduction in staffing and the holiday this is the first full day that we have gotten five days so we are focused on putting maximum effort towards the roughs after the completion of the first assignments which prep the golf course for play.  You will see, hopefully, three rough units in the field and two smaller bank units working solely on getting the roughs back under control.  We are even putting a team member to address moving the ropes and stakes to greatly speed the process.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving.  In your prayers for friends and family don't forget to drop a few kind words for Avondale Golf Club and the members and friends we have lost over this past year.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Fertilizing Fairways Again

This morning we are granular fertilizing the fairways as part of our twice per week grow in program.  As with any new established turf there is a grow in period that requires additional nutrient inputs to fill in and be healthy ... overseeded ryegrass is no exception to this rule.  On the day after Thanksgiving while everyone else is still digesting the meal from the day before we will be applying our second fertilizer application for the week.
New Flower Design Seems to be a Big Hit
With the holiday fast closing in, today the whole team is only working four hours today ... so with so much that needs to get done it will look like a team of bees out there getting it done.  Speaking of bees, we have discovered a hive that is on the top level of the bougainvillea covered wall outside the staging area.  Haven't quite decided our game plan yet.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Thanksgiving Week

With the first of the major holidays already upon us we have to reduce the staff's hours to make up for the holiday pay they well deserve.  We have a very aggressive week planned with two fertilizations of the fairways, and one fertilization of the greens along with our general maintenance this week ... with less time and staff to accomplish what needs to be done.  But my team is up for the task.

Today, most of the staff is only working four hours, but there still will be several here all day.  Our goal is not only get everything done, but still make it so my team can enjoy the holiday with their families.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Fire Ants

Ever since the overseeding has been completed I have been hearing about fire ants around the golf course.  First, we have several species of ants at Avondale of which maybe 20% are fire ants ... but all ants bite.
Top Choice Fire Ant Label = Applications Only From April - Sept
This is the LAW
CV Vector Control usually treats the golf course just before we overseed to reduce the population but this year with major concerns about the West Nile Virus their attentions have been focused on that problem and asked those of us golf courses on their program to allow them to handle that life threatening issue first.  As in accordance with the pesticide label and the law we could only treat mounds in the Coachella Valley until a certain date using Top Choice (our insecticide) which we did.

Ants have been successful as a species for over 150 million years and are impossible to completely remove.  Our in-house program will start back up as the law allows, and CV Vector Control will hopefully soon return.  But until then common sense must prevail ... if you see a mound, of course report it, but do not approach the ants.  The rules of golf allow for free relief thus your ball can be moved without penalty.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Colder Weather Took It's Toll

The three days back to back frost early in the week took its toll on the golf course somewhat.  Areas that were still growing in, or areas impacted by the cart traffic had stronger bermudagrass than ryegrass, thus when the frost pushed the bermuda towards dormancy its off coloring could be readily seen.  This usually occurs in December (termed December Gloom by superintendents) but this year with the cooler weather sooner happened sooner as well. 

The good news is that there is plenty of seed on the ground and we spot seeded even more this past week.  All of this seed will have less competition and will fill these areas in soon.

Next week will be a short staff week to allow our team members time with their families over the Thanksgiving holiday.  Plus it will keep us on budget which is good for the Club overall.

Friday, November 16, 2012

The Weekend is Upon Us

A Rare Event in the Desert - A Double Rainbow
This week past was extremely busy for the maintenance team and a lot was accomplished considering the three mornings of frost.  We finished up both the granular and foliar fertizations, the rolling of the greens, spot sand and leveling of the greens, and today we will finish the light topdressing.
18's Cup May Contain a Pot of Gold
The even better news is we are back on top of our roughs but sadly this reduces the golf balls that I can recover in the morning for my golf bag ... don't worry for me, I will survive.  It also sounds like the almost two weeks of work we put into getting the bunkers ready for the season is paying off.  I have as of yet to hear one direct or indirect complaint about them ... I wonder if the core of the Earth has froze over.
Sunrise Over 10's Tee
Well back to the field with the team to ensure the golf course is ready for the weekend.  Remember if you have any comments you can post them here too ... I do read them and give them credence.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Finally, No Frost

This morning we were greeted with slightly warmer temperatures and no frost which was fantastic for all of the things we have planned today.
Getting Ready to Mow 18's Green on a Rare Cloudy Day
We are going to be granular fertilizing all of the tees and fairways this morning.  This weekly light fertilization along with the fertigation and the weekly foliar fertizations may sound like a bit much but in fact it is the main reason that we can recover from cart traffic so quickly and also why we look so good for the heart of the season.  Time consuming ... you bet; well worth it ... of course.
Loving the Extention of the Flower Bed at the CH
Later today we will also be doing some touch up seeding from the damaged caused from the cart traffic to the young and tender seedling.  Sadly, at this time of years it will take three plus weeks to see the results due to our watering scheme and the lower temperatures.
Francisco Munoz Fertilizing 18's Fairway
Wanted to throw out a big thanks to the Woodsons.  Although they did not want any fanfare about their generosity but our membership should join with thanking them for the recent purchase of the five carts for GCM.  We were facing some very serious equipment issues and without those carts right now we would have been extremely limited on getting the morning tasks done efficiently.  Thanks once again from the GCM department.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Another Frosty Day

We started this morning again with a light frost but just when we thought we were going to have a back nine start everything lifted ... thus thanks to late start times and a fantastic crew we were able to give that front nine start like we wanted.
9's Green Cart Path -- Notice the Wear from One Day
The above picture shows one day's traffic and NOT taking the road less travelled.  I can plant the grass seed, grow it and feed it, but driving the same path or not scattering you can kill weeks' worth of work within a day or two ... please scatter.

Today, we foliar fertilized all of the fairways and even finally finished rolling the greens (since the past two days there have been shotguns and frost).  Tomorrow the fertilization efforts will continue with a granular application on the tees and fairways to continue to push the growth.  Additionally, in the afternoon we will be spot seeding the fairways to recover the regions we lost to cart traffic wear.

The reason we have to put so much extra seed compared to some other golf courses is because we do not have wall-to-wall cart paths.  Other courses in the Valley do have cart path restrictions usually until just after Thanksgiving which allows the tender young seedling to "harden" and become able to recover from traffic, where here we don't have that option.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Frost -- Already Frost

Hard Frost This Morning on the Lower Holes
Nationwide the weather has been all over the map from hurricane Sandy, followed by a northeastern, to early snowfalls.  Well our weather hasn't been as severe and far less damaging but yesterday and today we have gotten frost and our very first frost delay -- and it isn't even Thanksgiving yet.
Our Resident Raccoon -- Help Keeps the Duck Population Down by Eating Their Eggs
This morning, once again we have a slight frost ... unsure at this time if there will be any delay but you can rest assure that my team will make any delay as short as possible.  We had plans today (and yesterday too) to smooth roll the greens to increase green speed, sadly those plans had to be chucked in the interest of just getting the golf course open for the shotguns.

I will update the blog later but for now I am needed in the field.  It is later now the the frost delay has been lifted.  We were starting off okay but as the sun started to rise the frost thickened.  The good news is that there was no delay to the ladies play and minimal for the rest of the members this morning

Monday, November 12, 2012

Veteran's Day

My Good Conduct Ribbon & The Blue Star I Wear for My Daughter Still Serving
Veteran's Day to me means so much.  With both being a veteran of the Air Force serving my Country for 8 years, and having my oldest daughter still serving her Country in the Navy this day (yesterday) holds that personal touch.

My thoughts and prayers go out to all those that are still serving in combat regions and their families whom wait at home waiting for their loved ones to return.  I hear that some enjoy the day off as a paid holiday ... but in my humble opinion you should serve your Country ever before being given the right to enjoy the day off.

The temperatures are dropping quickly which will slow the recovery process from traffic wear, but the good news is that it also will slow the growth of the roughs.  Even with having our very first all 18 hole shotgun today the rough units (both big and small) will be out in full force.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Oh My -- The Roughs

On the Monday and Tuesday just before we opened the driving range we finally put down some much needed fertilizer wall-to-wall.  Normally, this fertilizer is put down on the golf course more than a week before we open, but this year due to the end of the fiscal year and the opening date of the course, the timing of this application was extremely close to opening.

The roughs are experiencing a flush of growth thanks to this fertilizer but have no fear they will be back under control soon.  We are even on Monday during the ladies team play sending out three larger rough units and two smaller bank mowers to address the issue. 

The good news is that this year I did widen the fairways by 5+ acres.  If your ball lands in these newly widened fairways I promise there will be no issue in finding them.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Welcome Back Party

Tonight is the night of the welcome back party which has always been quite a joyous event.  Everyone is happy to be back in the Valley, see old friends and plain just have fun for one night.

This is also the first weekend since opening the golf course.  Normally the first weekend is after a Friday opening thus the traffic wear on the tender young seedling hasn't been too bad yet ... well this year we have three days of traffic before the first weekend which means scattering is more important than ever.   So please for the short-term protection of the golf course scatter and take the "road" less driven.

I have also been hearing about the roughs and their height of cut.  It is true that the recent fertilization of the roughs has exhibited in taller turf, but the good news is that we are aggressively addressing the issue and soon they will be just as you like them. 

This also goes for the green speed ... it was slower than our typical opening speed ... but not by much.  Currently we are in a weekly light topdressing program along with rolling ... and yes, also lowering the HOC of the mowers.  It will not be long before we will hear that the pin positions we have selected are terrible thus the first indication that the greens are fast enough.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Blog is Back Up

11-9-12 Opening Week in the Morning on 6
During the time of overseeding the blog had a glitch that I was unable to find time to address until now ... and now access is back up.
Back of 12's Green Faced Issues
Overseeding when pretty much as planned with the same old issues of Pythium and weak areas that required extra attention.  But the good news was that all of those issues were handled and repaired before opening day.
Little Extra Care, Minor Plugging, and the Green is Looking Good
We did, however, have a very strange occurrence happen this year.  Numerous species of trees over-stressed and appeared at first like they were going to die.  But the good news is that most of them have been recovering and will return back to full health.
Looks Bad But Still is Very Much Alive
Well the golf course is open, the blog has been fixed and each and everyday we will become better and stronger.  Plus the flowers have been planted and so far the new colors and the planting scheme have been well enjoyed.
The New Colors at Avondale

Friday, September 21, 2012

Roughs Almost Done

Today we have finished most of the front nine's weed eating, tree trimming (except stump grinding), and almost all of the roughs have been scalped to there final pre-overseed height.  This week has been extremely productive considering just how far behind we were last week thanks to the damaged caused by the "freak" wind storm.

Starting this weekend we will be drying the golf course completely down to aid in halting the turf growth and being able to prep the final tidbits for the closing of the golf course. 

I hope everyone has a great weekend and be safe.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Getting Closer Every Day

Most of the Seed is in the Maintenance Building
Most of the seed came in this week and every morning I walk in I realize just how close the overseeding is ... and just how much is left to get done.  On the roughs we have almost finished our first pass at 0.750 inch, and starting later today we will be lower to the final HOC of 0.500.  Also the team has gotten the broad strokes of the weed eating done on the front nine and if all goes well we will finish this week at least with the cart paths and roads.

I have talked to a few members who are loving the additional ball roll they are receiving as the fairways dry down.  It may not be very pretty right now but plays great.  Sadly, the bunker get worse and worse each day as they dry.
For those who watch Caddyshack ... well the above picture of Francisco Munoz shows the difference between killing gophers vs golfers. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Details, Details, Details

It is that time where all of the details have to be completed on time so we are reading to hit the ground running when the golf course closes down for overseed.  This is quite a big job ... just look at how long it takes your personal gardener to prep your yard at in most cases that is less than 0.2 of an acre -- we have 117 acres.
Scalping the Rough on 11
Talked with the tree trimmers yesterday and they feel that that will be 100% done by Friday ... that is great news.  However, the small branches left behind both on the ground and hanging in the trees will take an additional week or so to completely clean.
Removing the Damaged Trees on 14 - Two in Total on this Hole
The rough scalping is progressing quite slowly and so far we are still only at 0.750 inch .  Hopefully by next week we will reach the final cutting height of 0.500 inches and start on the tees and fairways.
Once More Scalping Needed on the Range -- 0.750 Now, Need 0.500 HOC
There is a drawback which will get worse as the golf course drys down in preparation for the upcoming overseed and that is the playability of the bunkers.  Given our sand type in our bunkers as the become dry they become increasingly more difficult to rake and in general maintain.  Even though we are still raking them daily the drier they get, the more uneven they become.
Finally Removing the Killed Tree on 18 From the Windstorm

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Spraying Primo, Trimming Trees & Main Line

As the golf course slowly drys out and signs of overseed are already here.  Today we will continue the spraying of Primo (a growth regulator) on the tees and fairways.  Given the rate that we apply the chemical the goal is to have the bermudagrasses growth shut down during the overseed.  Other applications this week include a fungicide application on Friday to suppress the fairy ring and prevent (not eliminate) disease pressure in the first couple of weeks of overseeding.
16 Is Slowly Drying
Speaking of overseeding ... to further the enjoyment of our summer members, just like last year we will leave the golf course items such as ball washers, trash cans, markers, etc. on the golf course until we shut down for overseed prep.  This action slows down our overseeding prep process but keeps our membership happy which is our number one concern.  So we hope that this will be good news to our members.

The tree trimming will continue today with the goal of finishing by the week's end.  It is a lofty goal but still it is our goal.  Clean up of the small branches that fall out for days after these trimmings will continue until we close.
Scalped Roughs of 18
Speaking of closing, here is the closing schedule:
            - Weekend of Sept 29th & 30th  -- Extremely limited crew.
            - Oct 1 & 2nd - course open -- no crew, play wherever you desire.
            - Oct 3rd -- golf course closed.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Clean Up Is Finished, Scalping Continues

Last Sunday's wind storm reeked havoc on our golf course and sadly made several holes unsafe for our membership.  On last Monday with talking with two board members that were here at the time the decision was made to completely shut down the golf course until 12:00 for the general safety of crew and members, and only open the front nine that day.  Luckily we had the tree trimmers on property to trim trees as part of the overseeding process so we put almost the entire crew and their entire crew to address the safety hazards on the front nine ... which we did.
Trimming Tree Around 9's Green
The next couple of days we addressed the the back nine which was the harder hit on the golf course and had it safe to play on Wednesday by 9:30 am.  Of course clean up continued on the golf course until Friday ... which was completed, and over this past weekend we addressed the corner of Frank Sinatra and El Dorado, and also Country Club Drive.  CC Drive had the most debris and the final blowing will be done today to make it fully presentable.
Golf Course is Drying Down
Today we additionally will be continuing the lower of the HOC of the roughs, spraying of growth regulator on the tees and fairways and the tree trimming around the golf course and clubhouse.  A special thanks goes out to Mr. Cradduck for his generous donation of a lunch to the crew ... they very much enjoyed it.

In conjunction with the Pro Shop it was determined to deviate from the established summer plan and prep hole 18 in case there is a need for our summer members.  Our hope is that this will further enhance their enjoyment of the golf course.

The Citrus Tree in the Center of This Picture Has a Coyote Under It
A couple of end of the day notes:  on the fifth hole up near the lake we got a main line break that we will start repairing tomorrow ... we are draining the line right now.  And if you look closely at the picture above you will notice our coyote is back.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Are We Under Attack??

The Contrail Left Behing From the Missile
I am sure that this morning will not be as exciting as yesterday's missile launch.  I lived in Las Cruces for year as a child which is around a hour from White Sands Missile Range, and even have visited the Holloman AFB but never saw a spectacular missile launch like I saw yesterday morning here in Palm Desert some 700 miles away ... very impressive.
Trimming Has Begun
Also very impressive is the speed that my team with the help of Desert Sunshine Tree Trimming cleaned the golf course from one of the worst wind events in the Valley in years.  The windstorm is called a Chubasco, with winds originating from the southeast that occurred on Sunday evening but the debris left behind is just called a mess.  Well as of yesterday the golf course was almost 100% cleaned and ready for the weekend.
Desert Sunshine's Team Working on 4
The tree trimmers will continue the annual tree trimming today and most like will be here for the next week or so.  It is a big event but necessary to get the golf course ready for a successful overseed.
Grass Clipping Piles Starting on 9