Sixty-one years ago today Pearl Harbor laid silent until waken by dive bombers and attacking zeroes. Having stood above the USS Arizona in the harbor knowing there were still the seaman inside who never saw it coming you realize the sacrifice that our young in uniform do everyday to keep peace in the world ... or the best they can. This day will always live infamy.
6's Green in the Morning Light |
Yesterday we finished up the granular fertilization and touched up areas worn down by traffic with seed. Basically, we put down an additional 1,800 pounds or almost a ton of seed to help make our golf course flawless ... or as close as possible considering that it is a living system.
Today, we are finishing up the cart paths and the roughs. Also we will be getting ready for the weekend as well. With the holidays right around the corner some of the team will taking some well deserved time off while the others will be working reduced hours to keep payroll in line. December and the first week in January are always challenging times to get things done but we always seem to finish ... but to help us please put a small prayer in for cooler weather.
12's Green Before Mowing |
This warmer than normal December has been fantastic for turf growth, but a nightmare for getting back on top of it. We always have a major flush in growth after the overseeding due to all of the nutrients applied to aid in the fill in, but normally the weather and temperatures drop allowing us to get back on top and stay there ... well this year has been a different story. Even with at times sending four rough units and two bank units we have barely been able to stay at even. Don't worry we will get there again and soon.
Tree Trimmers Working on 17 |
Tree trimming of the big trees started yesterday and is expected to finish sometime next week. This is a big job but luckily our trimmers have been servicing the golf course for years and are experts in staying out of the way of our membership.
Along 16 Fairway After Trimming |
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