10's Green in the Still of the Morning |
Today we will be fertilizing the fairways and tees with 9-9-9 super iron to not only aid in the tillering and filling in of these areas but to also add some much needed color to the ryegrass. As the ryegrass grows it takes up nutrients thus quickly depleting the soil -- the foliar applications address the leaf color while the granular like today's application allows the turf to maintain this color. Additional to the once granular and once foliar applications per week, we continue to add fertilizer (non-staining) during the nightly irrigation.
Eucalyptus Tree Staled for Trimming |
Starting yesterday we started the trimming of the eucalyptus trees to aid in the reduction of the branch weight ... thus reducing limb breakage. We are only doing 30 trees this year and should be finished by week's end next week. So when you see the red or white ribbons on the trees it is not for there removal just to show the tree trimmer which trees need to be done.
11' Green Looking Quite Fine |
With all of the topdressings and rolling of the greens they are almost exactly where I want them. We have been rolling 10 for a couple of weeks now and they are rolling true ... but I have a couple minor flaws I am still addressing. Also very soon we will be starting the gash-b-gone ball mark (pitch marks) recovery program. This will expedite the recovery of the ball marks that have been improperly repaired on now at all. For the proper procedure on ball mark repair reference our many signs around the golf course.
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