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Monday, March 22, 2010

Bad Nozzles

As our irrigation system ages we start seeing the effects of nozzle wear on several heads. Historically, these problems will start in the lower pressure areas such at the ends of the irrigation loops (i.e. 12, 13, 14) and as the temperature rises become more and more visible. As we find the problems we replace the nozzles and check pressure at the irrigation head, but that being said it usually takes a couple of weeks for the visual problem to go away.

On Apr 7th CV Vector control will be on the golf course treating fire ants. So far I haven't noticed any mounds, however, if you see any please notify me so I can get the area treated.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Temperature Is Rising

As the temperature starts to rise again the ryegrass is going to start transition back to the bermudagrass base. Areas such as under the trees will exhibit the ryegrass stress first followed soon in the rough areas. With two big events left in the season we will hold onto the overseed for a bit longer but after that we will be helping nature take its course.

Along with the ryegrass slowly fading away the bermudagrass will start growing quicker and quicker with each pasting day. This means that our smaller staff size due to budget cuts is going to be more visible than years past in a attempt to keep those excellent conditions that the members of Avondale expect. The crew will continue to work even though play is near by, however, they will be as courteous as possible without stopping work. Your enjoyment is still our highest priority.

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Country Road Effect

All the time you hear me saying the importance of carts scattering and evening out the wear from the tires. Look at the pictures on the right and you will see one of damaged turf due to carts being forced to drive the same area when the streets were being done. The picture was taken three weeks after the cart traffic and the damage was caused from just one day's worth of driving.

Thus, SCATTER, SCATTER, SCATTER when driving around the golf course.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Leveling Heads Around Greens

Ever since I started here I wanted to find time to improve the playability around the greens by leveling the irrigation head to the surrounding area. In the past couple weeks we finally started this project and we plan to be finished within a couple more weeks. This leveling not only improves the playability but it also improves the sprinker's performance.

Due to a couple of trips on the ropes around the greens we were requested by the Board to take down all greenside ropes -- which we have done. Please since to the ropes are down do not drive in these areas. The reason we have had the ropes there was because historically these areas became bare due to cart traffic and if driving occurs in those areas the grass will surely disappear.