So where are we with the the projects and the maintenance that we started this week? The bunker hump removals ... finished for this year; driving range tee ... done but may require sprigs again since the heat this week was too intense; the curb egress points ... all finished as far as removal and concrete, but still having to work the sod to make a seamless entry point. Hopefully, the curbing project will be done today but with the excessive heat and humidity I have been requiring my team to work at a slower pace and break often for their safety.
Under the Palms -- Nice and Green ... But |
A Closer Look Revels This Green is Only Weeds |
As far as as general maintenance the aerification of the roughs is completed on the front nine with only holes 11 - 14 remaining on the back nine for completion ... hopefully by day's end. The trimming of the course bushes and along the fence lines has been completed from 1 to 12, and sometime after aerification we will complete the entire course.
Remember next week we will be closed for Monday to Wednesday then alternate the openings of the nine as final clean up is done. By Saturday the 18th the entire golf course will be open for play but the two putt rule will be in effect for a bit longer.
3's Green with Fertilizer Burn |
Opps ... some may ask "What happened to 3's green?" Well yesterday we trained a new employee the fine art of fertilizing a green and how to water the fertilizer in when finished ... well on 3 he forgot to water the product in. During the day golfers played the green and with the high temperatures, everywhere they step caused tip burn. The good news is it is just surface damage and will be mowed off soon ... lesson learned.
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