We Will Be Lowering this Oleander to the Red Line |
Yesterday I had an incident with another golf cart as I left the driving range tee. The other cart was leaving the tee complex of 1 traveling its normal route to the fairway at the same time I was exiting the driving range tee. Even though I have done this many times before and waited until I believed all carts had past the oleander along the tee blocked my view of another oncoming cart thus contact was made. We are going to work on this area to prevent this kind of incident from accruing again but please when you exit the tee of 1 watch for oncoming carts ... for your safety too. Thanks God in this case no one was hurt.
Repaired Section on the Back of 5 |
Repairs have been done on the back and edge of 5's green and this morning we will be working on 7 in the front edge sometime today. Additionally, today we are starting the verticutting of the greens to continually improve their quality.
Bad Front Edge of 7 -- Repairing Today |
Notice the Slight Scalping from Thatch Development |
The wet well pump has finally arrived and work will start on the installation of the new pump. So you may see a crane out on the golf course near 6 a majority of the day. This is a big process but very necessary for the upcoming overseed.
New Pump Ready for Install |
Francisco Munoz & Enrique Cruz Repair the Filter While Station is Down |
Rough and greens: The hot and humid weather that seems to be lasting forever has promoted the development of thatch on the greens and of course substantial growth in the roughs. The verticutting will help the thatch development but until the thatch gets back under control we will be experiencing some slight scalping on the greens ... an aesthetic problem, not a health or playability issue. The roughs we are addressing as quickly as possible but in most cases we are having to double even triple cut them to get them smooth again. We are almost there.
Bridge - Repaired, Primed and Ready for Final Paint |
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