Yesterday we hoped that we would get a big jump on the aerification of the roughs ... but that never happened. We only were able to get part of 9's rough by the day's end. Hopefully, today we will get much further on the rough aerification process. We will be starting on the practice, then going to finish 9, then 18 backwards.
Sprigs on the DR Tee -- Needs Topdressing |
The good news is that we did get a big jump on the bunker project and the driving range tee. We have finished 11 and started 2 as far as the bunker "hump" removal process. If all goes well today that project will be finished. The driving range tee project has for the most part been completed. We harvested sprigs along 9 and 18, and with all hands of deck we got them spread out and water before the day's end yesterday. Today, we will be lightly topdressing the DR tee sprigs and will be irrigating throughout the day for about a week or so.
ADA Access Installed -- Sod Work Required to Finish Project |
The curbing removal project for the ADA access has been going a bit slower. We finished a couple entrances yesterday and this morning we will be shifting the frames to other locations to start pouring the cement there as well. We are saving the bended sections for last since they are going to be the most difficult to complete. Still our goal is to finish before week's end on this project so all efforts can be focused on the upcoming aerification.
11's Front Bunker After Removing Side and Front Humps |
2's Back Removed Bunker in Process of Removing Humps |
Off of projects for a bit ... today we are verticutting the greens to continually promote the growth of the bermudagrass.
Chemically Treating Lakes |
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