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Friday, December 23, 2011

This Upcoming Weekend & Upcoming Time Lines

In celebration of Christmas holiday Dec 24th and 25th there will be no maintenance crews working; however, I will still come in to check for leaks in irrigation and if there are any frost delays.  Please before driving on the golf course look for me or my truck at the first tee.  If I am there on the 25th that is because there is frost on the golf course.

Have a pleasant and safe holiday season.


a.      Upcoming Week:
a)            Dec 24 & 25th NO CREW.
b)            Dec 31st – Jan 1st set up ONLY.

b.      In Next Week After:
a)            Jan 2nd foliar fertilizing the greens.

c.       In Near Future:
a)            Jan 9th foliar fertilizing the greens.
b)            Jan 10th foliar fertilizing the fairways.
                         c)            Jan 11th lightly topdressing the greens … maybe?
d)            Jan 16th foliar fertilizing the greens.
e)            Jan 17th foliar fertilizing the fairways.
f)             Jan 19th lightly topdressing the greens.
g)            Jan 20th spraying the greens with X-Sodis & Cascade.
h)            Jan 21st rolling greens (light).
i)              Jan 23rd foliar fertilizing the greens.
j)              Jan 24th heavy rolling the greens.
k)            Jan 25th lightly topdressing the greens
l)              Jan 30th foliar fertilizing the greens.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas Nears & Hanukkah Has Started

These are the times to spend quality time with your families, survive to holiday feasting and enjoy the fact of birth and life.  I have four of my five daughters in my house right now and the noise and laughter is perfect to come home to everyday.  I love this time of year since they are getting fewer children in the home each year and already two of the kids are already gone.  Do not get me wrong once they are all gone my wife and I are moving and never telling the kids where we went ... just kidding.

To those who gave gifts to my team ... thank you so much.  It means the world to them and shows them the they are appreciated for their hard work ... and trust me, they work very hard to give the best that they can.

Well to everyone ... have a wonderful and joyous Merry Christmas or whichever holiday you and your family celebrates.  And God Bless our troops (including my daughter and nephew) who some of which will not get the pleasure of being with their families this holiday.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Project Photos

18's Cart Path Repair
Big Bed's Drainage Being Finished
Curbing Project Completed

Tilling & Fertilizer

It is that time again (just before January) that we go out and till the bunkers to get them ready for the events in Jan.  As always, we will be doing just the green side bunkers since most players enjoy firmer fairway bunkers.  I should note that this is normal maintenance and has nothing to do with the testing that is going to be proposed to the Green Committee.  The tilling process will take a few days to complete.
Tilling Lightly 8's Bunker

Additionally, since the fairways and tees are filling in quite nicely we are this morning addressing our nutrient starved roughs to aid in their thickening as well as their color.  We should have just enough fertilizer to complete the task or be very close to finishing.
8's Bunker After Tilling

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

City Codes as it Comes to Coots

9.68.010 Discharge of firearms within city— Prohibited.

No person shall fire or discharge any revolver or pistol of any description, or any shotgun or rifle which may be used for the explosion of cartridges or use or operate any air gun, bb gun, gas operated gun, spring gun, slingshot, bows and arrows or any other instrument projecting missiles, whether called by any of these names or by any other name, which instrument projects any missiles against or unto any property owned or occupied by any other person. (Ord. 67 § 1, 1975)

6.28.010 Dogs running at large.

No owner or keeper of a dog shall allow, permit or suffer the dog, whether licensed or unlicensed, to be or run at large in or upon any public place or premises, or in or upon any unenclosed private place or premises, or in or upon any enclosed private place or premises other than those of the owner or keeper except with the consent of the person in charge of the private place or premises, unless the dog is securely restrained by a substantial leash not exceeding six feet in length and is in charge and control of a person competent to keep the dog under effective control. (Ord. 874 § 1 (part), 1998)

Coots & Widgeons

Coots and widgeons have returned to Avondale and the past couple of years it seems to be worse than ever.  This is somewhat true since the coot population has dramatically increased from a few to about 100+, however, the widgeons have decreased from hundreds to around 50+.

Why do I bring this up ... well the fact is that the wigeons do far more damage to the turf, leave more feces behind and in general are worse than the coots.  But then why does everyone want the coots (mud hens) gone and not the widgeons?  The simple reason is because the widgeons are pretty and sleek, while the coots are ugly and clumsy.

What can be done?  First, stop feeding the ducks in general.  Everyday almost, someone is giving the ducks food, including the coots, which means they will stay where there is an easy source of food.  Lasers?  Currently we have members and homeowners every night harassing the coots ... they scramble around but do not leave.  Fake swans?  When the swan were on the lake the coots actually use to sit on top of them.  Other fake decoys?  Once again at first they may be leery but quickly get use to them.  Dogs, model planes, etc?  Just ask every course in town ... little success at first then nothing because the coots just move back into the water.  Plus both planes and dogs are very expensive.  Wires across the lakes, nets on the edges, etc.  These physical barriers may work of a bit but the wiry coots find their way around them ... ask Mission Hills CC, they have tried it all and still have coots.

Sadly, the only permanent solution is to kill the coots.  This requires a permit, permission to kill within City limits and of course a shotgun.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Short Week for the Holidays

The holidays are upon us and people are going home to spend time with there families ... the same holds true with the maintenance staff.  Along with a short hours couple of week (Christmas and New Year's) a couple of team members are taking time off to spend with their families including myself.  For me this will be the first time I will have time to go see my father since his heart attack in October during the overseed -- never said his timing was the best.
Bunker on 15 Before Reshaping (2009)
The good news is that even with a short crew during the holidays since the weather is much cooler the turf growth is much less, thus for the most part allowing us to keep somewhat caught up on maintenance. The big bed project, phase one the drainage has been finished all except some minor clean up. This project will be done by tomorrow as will the minor cart path repairs that we have been doing. 
Bunker on 15 After Reshaping (June 2009)
Starting next year we will start (pending approval) start looking at the bunkers to determine the next steps the Club wants to take.  Just looking back at the pictures from where we were in 2009 to today it is amazing just how far we come while utilizing so little money ... the total cost of the reshaping project was $400 to the Club.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Bunkers Once Again

As fellow superintendents tell me when the membership is concerned about the bunkers a well known hazard the rest of the golf course must be doing great ... well we must be doing great because the bunkers are back up in the forefront.  John (VP of JC), Bob (Director of Agronomy), Brandon, myself and members of the Board gathered to look at some options of what can be done to improve the quality of our bunkers.

During this testing we are going to analyze the sand profiles of six bunkers since they are mostly all the same type of sand; and then we are going to set up (pending Green Committee approval) several test bunkers. The test bunkers will be posted in the pro shop and the Green Committee will analyze the results.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Bunkers, Bunkers, Bunkers

It seems every year the good old bunkers come up as an issue ... especially after to edge them. 
11's Front Greenside Bunker Day After Edging
When we edge the bunkers the "lips" become more exposed and pronounced since the "runners" that aided in the smoothing of the edge have been removed.  There has always been lots of discussion about how much lip there should be? and do we exceed that number?
Entrance Side of the Same 11's Bunker (Same Day)
In the front (facing towards the green the lip can be any height, but as you can see by the picture above we try on the entrance of the bunker to keep it level with the turf so it will not interfere with the golfer's back swing thus reducing the chance of a penalty stroke for striking the bunker during the back swing.  Just after the bunkers are edged sadly this is difficult but they do smooth out fairly quickly.  Here at Avondale bunkers have been an issue since the first year after adding sand to them back in 1998 ... yes, I said 1998 because that was the last time sand was added to them with a couple of minor additions here and there.
11's Left Greenside Bunker in 2006
When I got here the picture above was the way the bunkers looked.  Not just a couple, but all of them.  A couple of years ago we addressed this major issue by adding blow sand and grassing them downwards to flatten the bottoms ... the first year, they were mostly loved by all, but then time came along, winds blew, and golfers swung until the sand was further depleted. 

We are looking into repairs and maybe going to address the worst of the worst but sadly it is going to take sand additions in the long run.  I should note that these sand additions do not stop after the first year, they continue every year after just to a much lesser extent.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Slight Frost Again This Morning

Damaged Caused by Mower in Oct. -- Already Re-Seeded & Waiting to Germinate

This morning we have pockets of light frost which could potentially turn into hard frost as the sun rises.  To be on the safe side we are slowly releasing the team into the field to perform maintenance until we confirm a frost delay or not.  Check with the Pro Shop for the updates and details.
Golf Cart Damage Leaving 6's Tee
Cart Damage Leaving 3's Tee

With all of the hard frosts in the mornings and with so many days in a row our flaws are showing quite nicely.  Later I will post some pictures on this post to show some differences in the flaws.  Some of the flaws are due to the pythium that hit the ryegrass in October and allowed the bermudagrass to grow through these spots; some of the areas are due to the damage caused by the machines maintaining the golf course during the 100+ degree temperatures; some of the areas are just typical to having Common bermudagrass vs hybrid such as 419 or 328 (the 328 is what is on most of the tees thus making them look better);
The Dark Green is a Patch of 419 Surrounded by Common Bermudagrass

some (quite a few) of the areas are due to cart traffic damage that killed the ryegrass but when the bermuda was still green were harder to see; and some of the areas are to lack of fertilization (this is why the fairways mostly look better).
Under Fertilized in Front of 4's Tee
Pythium Damage on 6's Fairway

As you can see there is no simple answer and that is why most superintendents in the Valley just call this time of year "December Gloom."  Some years like last one are mild thus the "gloom" effect is very minimal, while other years are colder thus exhibiting the issues.  The good news is that even with this almost always by Jan 10th all looks healed ... plus the ryegrass is tillering.  Growing grass is not laying carpet ... it is a natural system with all of the natural flaws.
Along Lake Edge Duck Damage From Eating Ryegrass

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Changes to Schedule

Nothing changes a schedule in the Desert faster than rain.  It is such a rare event in the Valley that when it happens we have to change what we have planned to what will gives us the maximum benefit.  An example of this is today and yesterday the game plan was to foliar fertilized; however, with the rains in the afternoon and the potential for more today we switched from foliar to granular.  The reasons for the switch are because the foliar cold potentially be washed off the foliage thus giving the turf minimal to no effect, while the granular will get watered in better by the rain thus giving us a maximum effect.

Growing and maintaining turf is a ever changing science that no set schedule can be applied.  Those is set a schedule and do not deviate are throwing money away and producing a lesser quality of turf.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Buttoning Up Projects

Bougainvilleas on Second Tier
The second tier at the cart staging area came out great and over time these walls will fill in with cascading color.  Additionally, we have start some isolated cart path repairs such as on 9, with plans to work on 10 & 18.
9's Tee Cart Path Repair
10's Tee Cart Path Before Repair
Some may ask "Why are we doing repairs now?" ... this is a good question with a good answer.  The reason we do some of these repairs now instead of in the summer is because we have the time.  Between frost delays, slower growing turf and shrubs, and all of the other conditions that make maintaining turf in the winter much simpler than in the summer allows us time to address these minor problems.  Our only limitation is money ... not time or manpower.

Friday, December 9, 2011

No Frost Delay Today

Finally, there will be no delay thanks to frost today.  Well, I just had to change this since at sunrise the frost started raising its ugly head.
New Drain Installed on 8's Cart Path

We will be fertilizing the tees and fairways this morning to continue to promote the health of the ryegrass.  And later this afternoon we will re-seed some bad spots that now can be seen easily.  Additionally we are finishing a couple of projects such a curb repairs to 15 & 8, the second tier plantings, and next week the drainage of the big bed at the clubhouse.
The Second Tier Prior to Planting

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Frost Again??

Yup ... we have frost again this morning.  Luckily this frost is not as hard as the frost we have been getting over the last couple of days.  Did you know that yesterday's freeze was only 2 degrees above the all time record set in 1953?  Well according to the Weather Channel it was that close.  I do not project a long delay today but as with everything we will know much more at sunrise.

Today's game plan includes finishing the foliar fertilization and topdressing the greens.  This fertilization along with tomorrow's granular fertilization will aid in improving the turf's health during these colder times.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Hard Frost Again

Ice Formed on the Grass

This morning the temperature when I got to work was 33 degrees thus as we thought we have another hard frost.  It is always hard to say how long the frost delay will be since the temperature always drops again at sunrise but my team will do everything it can to shorten the delay.  The two bad things about these frost delays is first we will have to be doing what are normal morning jobs all day within play, and second having two hard frosts in a row will "off-color" the golf course.
Hard Frost on 4

There is little we can do about the first thing if we want to maintain the golf course but for the off-coloring we will continue the heavy twice a week fertilizations which will aid in bringing back the color.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Hard Frost & Projects

One of 8's Curbing Repair
Yesterday, we finished removing the broken curbing along 8's green and re-poured and shaped the new curb back into it's place.  Today, was the coldest of the year so far -- 31 degrees on the golf course.  And of course, today was the first ladies member/guest day to boot.  Working with the ladies by skipping the mowing of the greens we were able to get everything else prepped with only a 30 minute delay.  This was pretty good considering at 8:30 we still had hard frost in numerous areas.
Start of the Install of the Drain in the Big Bed
With the frost delay we were able to start on the clubhouse's big bed project.  The first phase includes opening along the wall so we can waterproof that backside of it to prevent seepage.  Additionally. the two trees were removed and the stumps were ground.
Grinding the Stumps of the Removed Tree in the Big Bed
In addition to this drainage work we start installing the second tier's irrigation above where the animal's were to be able to finally finish the project we started almost two years ago.
Joesph Working on Irrigation on the Second Tier

Monday, December 5, 2011

Frost and Upcoming Jobs

Over the weekend we had our very first frost delay of about 30 minutes, but the upcoming week may yield even longer delays.  It is projected the on Wednesday the temperature will drop to 34 degrees in Palm Springs with may (historically speaking) put us here below freezing.  Not only will this lead to a longer delay but for sure start the "off-coloring" process or what I and my fellow superintendents call the start of December gloom.  The good news is that even with it seeming like forever it usually only last two to three weeks.

To aid in combating the off-coloring we will continue our twice a week fertilization program which including one foliar application and one granular application.  Theses heavy applications not only strengthen the ryegrass plants but reduce the December gloom effects.  The flowers on the other hand usually lose their blooms (depending on species) during this time.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Ribbons Around Trees

It is that time of year where the eucalyptus trees and pines get trimmed.  So I want to say first and foremost upfront that the red ribbons around the trees signify the tree is being trimmed -- not removed.  Secondly, we have limited tree trimming funds and are trimming the unsafe and the worst of the worst trees.  Other trees can be trimmed, however, unless marked, the cost of the trimming will be by the person wanting the trimming.

Wind Storm Yesterday & Clean Up

Broken Branch on 11
Yesterday's wind storm broke numerous large branches and even more smaller branches around the golf course.  We have cleaned the larger ones but hopefully by today's end we will have the course back to it's normal self.
Another Snapped Branch Next to 12's Green
The good news is that the tree trimmers are coming and this should reduce the weight on some of the larger trees.  We have finished putting out all of our DG and straightening the line along hole 8.  Our next project which is quite big will be to start improving and adding drainage to the big bed outside the clubhouse.  While that project is going on we will be working on the second tier above where the animals use to be located.
Along 8's Cart Part -- Finished

Thursday, December 1, 2011


As you can feel the winds have picked up and a cold front is pushing its way through the Valley.  Morning temperatures are expected to be just above freezing (take what you see on the Weather Channel for Palm Springs and minus 5 degrees).
Damage to Turf in Year's Past

Please for the safety of our turf check with the pro shop before driving or walking on the golf course.
Even Walking on the Turf KILLS

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Topdressing & Projects

Today, we are lightly topdressing the greens today with just a touch of Poa Triv seed to help the greens become fuller.  Topdressing not only gives the seed a better germination bed, but it also smooths and speeds up the greens.  We will continue the topdressing until we are either out of seed or budget to aid in this improvement.

The irrigation heads finally got in to complete the project on 4 and 5's tee.  These heads are the latest in pressure regulation technology and will improve the area vastly while reducing wash outs.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Upcoming Timelines


Upcoming Week:
a)            Nov 28th foliar spraying greens.
b)            Nov 29th foliar spray fairways.
c)       Nov 30th Lightly topdressing the greens.
d)            Dec 1st fertilize fairways & tees with 18-5-0

In Next Week After:
a)            Dec 5th foliar spray greens.
b)            Dec 6th foliar spray fairways.
c)            Dec 8th lightly topdress all greens.

In Near Future:
a)            Dec 12th foliar spray greens.
b)            Dec 12th start the trimming of the eucalyptus and select pine trees.
c)            Dec 14th fertilize fairways & tees (extended).
d)            Dec 16th spray greens with X-Solis & Cascade.
e)            Week of Dec 19th short staff due to holiday.
f)             Dec 19th foliar spray greens.
g)            Dec 25thNO CREW.        
h)            Dec 26th foliar spray greens.

Frost Is Coming

According to the Weather Channel frost should be coming in the upcoming weekend.  So please to protect the golf course check with the Pro Shop on the course status before driving on the grass.

The Green Committee approved the removal of a couple of dead trees.  One is on 13 close to the start of the 14's fairway, and the other is at the end of the range.  We are also removing a dangerous date palm tree in the big bed at the clubhouse.  Sadly, last year two of these date palms snapped the heads off but luckily no one and no property was damaged.  This palm was slated to be removed last year but was put on hold to maintain the budget.

Today before the ladies event we are going to be spraying the fairways.  The should not interfere with anyone.

Friday, November 25, 2011

12's Drain & Dr. Elli's Property Line

It was brought to my attention that there was a broken drain cover in the cart path next to 12's green.  We cleaned it out, filled with gravel and changed the direction of the lid which will prevent any injury; however, we will fill we concrete when we get a chance since it is a non-functioning drain that was installed before my time.

I have had a couple of people ask why we are working on the property line next to Dr. Elli's home on 8.  Well the fact is after the survey it was discovered our property is closer to his home than first thought (his fence is on the line) and after discussion with the Green Committee chair it was decided that we would fix our area and marry it to his property.  Out of the kindness of Dr. Elli's heart for this he supplied us the water for future plants and cut a cut though near his drive way for our members to get to 7's green or 8's tee.  Thus we are only working on our property.  This project is almost 100% completed for now ... vegetation will come later.

Day After Thanksgiving

All stuffed from another wonderful turkey day?  Well get out and play some golf to get some exercise to be able to enjoy those turkey sandwiches later.

My team finished the fertilization of the the tees and fairways yesterday and we are continuing to work on the greens.  The last of the minor repairs should be done by day's end along with the spraying of wetting agent on the greens.

Fairly, simple day today thus no new projects until discussions can be made with the Green Committee and Board.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

To one and all Happy Thanksgiving from the maintenance team.

Today is a short day for my team to get the course done in time for the members to enjoy and my team to spend time with their families.  We will be continuing to fertilize the the tees and fairways today and should be finished by tomorrow morning.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Tomorrow is the time for family and friends to gather to enjoy each other's company and good food.  It is also a time to give thanks for all of the good things that have occurred over the year.  I hope you join me and my family in giving thanks to another wonderful year here at Avondale.  Be safe and be happy.

Last of the Plugging & Topdressing

This morning we will be topdressing the greens with a touch more seed.  The topdressing has two major affects ... first it aids to smoothing out the greens and second, it will speed up the greens.  Since the back nine greens are still our major concern we will be doing them first thus today is a back nine start.

Later today we will be adding some plugs as a repair to the edges of 10 & 13.  This should be the last time this season.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

5's Tee Bathroom Project Finished

The flowers are in, the old plants are removed and the DG has been touched up around the landscape area next to 5's tee bathroom.
Thus, this area is completed and the "wash out" issues have been dealt with and should not occur anymore.  Additionally, we have finished all that we can right now as it concerns Dr. Elli home.
More to come later once his yard's landscape progresses.

Short Week Due to Holidays

With the reduced staff this week and the shortened hours we are still planning to get quite a bit done.  The flowers around the bathroom at 5's tee are finished and today between removing more vegetation from that landscape bed and the big bed we will working on leveling & adding DG next to Dr. Elli's home on 8.

We have some final plug repairs on a couple of green edges and we will be done.  Tomorrow, we are lightly topdressing at least the back nine greens and if we have enough sand remaining -- all of the greens.  Thus I will be contacting the Pro Shop today about having a back nine start tomorrow.

I have also notice lots of damage from the golf carts ... please help us give you a great golf course bu SCATTERING.

Monday, November 21, 2011

5's Tee Project, 8's Project and Bird Damage

Sod Addition and Flowers in Phase One of the Bathroom Project
The first part of the re-design of the bathroom next to 5's tee has been almost completed.  The sod has been laid some of the flowers put in and now just waiting for the new irrigation to arrive so we can install.
Before Most of the Work on 5's Tee Bathroom
The next section will start today as we work towards the street which will include more vegetation removal and the last of the flowers addition.  Starting tomorrow work will start on Dr. Elli's slope (which is on our property) to improve the look from the tee of 8.
Along the Property Line Next to 8's Tee
Sadly, this project on 8 will be in work for a while until the the landscape is completed on the home.  But we will continue to improve where we can along 8.  We are also starting to experience crow damage on the greens in the back nine.  We may have to go to straight sand in the repairs to stop them from continuing the damage.
Crow Ripping Out Plugs on 15's Green

Thanksgiving Week

This is the week to gather the family and feast until you can feast no more.  This is no exception for my team as well.  Thus during this upcoming week we will have a person on vacation and the remainder will be on shortened hours to be able to spend time with their families ... and maintain budget too.

To those who are traveling we wish you a safe and successful trip.  To those who are staying we wish you happy times with friends and family.  Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Friday, November 18, 2011

5's Bathroom Project

Re-Construction of Area Around 5's Bathroom
The sodding of the the area next to the bathroom started yesterday and we are planning to have the sod and the flowers in by this weekend.  We have ordered a special newly released kind of irrigation head that will be installed in this area that will aid in the reduction of overspray onto the newly slurred streets.

Speaking of the streets and the irrigation overspray we have been addressing this issue around the golf course and before January we will have hopefully completed this project.  Yesterday, we did finish the addition of the bougainvillea around the water fountain structure at 15's tee.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Projects & CC Drive

Projects are normally saved for the summer time but this year a couple of unique occurrences transpired.  With the slurry of the streets there has been a concern about the golf course's irrigation hitting the street and leaving salt deposits.  We have long ago repaired and changed the sprinkler heads along the roads to newer and adjustable trajectory nozzles; however, most of the issues are within the golf course.  Due to the golf course not being a perfect "square" some of the heads in order to get correct coverage and distribution uniformity in places such as green surrounds, tees and fairways sadly extend into the roads as well.  Those are the heads we are currently working on to reduce (not eliminate) our irrigation's contact on the streets of Avondale.  This will take some time to do correctly.

Other projects slated for work right now include the changing of the landscape around the 5's tee bathroom ... this is in work today (also working with the Board and the HOA); marrying of Dr. Elli's landscape on 8 with ours (starting next week somewhat); the redesigning and repair to the big bed at the club house (drawings and cost being submitted to Green Committee for review and approval); the hiding of the A/C unit behind the pro shop (Brandon and Dennis are handling -- using a wall as a barrier instead of plants); installation of plants back where they were removed during the 15's water fountain changes over this summer (should be finished this week); the repair of the fountains and their lights in the lake near the clubhouse (in work); and maybe the addition of a second tier of bougainvilleas above where the "animals" use to be (requires irrigation upgrades).

Lastly, we are continuing and finishing the work to the plants and irrigation along Country Club Drive.  This has required so far this week 20+ man hours but will be completed today.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Work Continues on Greens -- One Step Closer

Today we are one step closer to lowering the HOC of the greens and thus speeding them up.  On the back nine greens yesterday and today we have been working on the plug repair, and this morning we spot seeded them again followed by a light topdressing.  We are almost completed with these tasks.

We have started work on two areas -- Country Club Drive and the landscape area next to 5's tee bathroom.  Every two weeks (sometimes more) we clean Country Club but the last couple of days we are removing any dead plants and trimming back several species of plants in preparation for the winter.  The project on 5's tee started yesterday by the removal of the unsightly plants and will continue with re-routing the irrigation and addition of some sod.  The HOA will be supplying some rock at a later date to match the rock that is around the community.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Repairs, Bathroom, Irrigation & Fountains

The green repairs are almost finished and with a couple more plugs and light topdressings we will start to deal with the speed issues; however, they are rolling still quite nicely.  My goal to be finished by the end of the week looks like it should not be much of an issue.
Behind 5's Tee
The bathroom on the course on 5's tee will be getting a face lift soon.  Starting today we will be removing dying or just plain ugly plants and working on the re-nozzling of the surrounding heads.  The HOA is looking into vegetation and rock for the area and we are looking into maybe some flowers to accent.  This area will be in process for a couple weeks at least but should improve the area for the long run.
5's Bathroom
Other areas being looked at for improvement are the big bed at the clubhouse ... which is getting designed right now, plants to hide the a/c at the pro shop (maybe a wall) and plants to replace the plants that were removed during the building of the structure around 15's water fountain.  Funding still has to be approved.

Speaking of fountains, you may have noticed the fountain on 1's tee has been removed.  The motor has brunt out and getting repaired.  It return should be in a couple of weeks and thankfully is under warranty.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Scatter & Frost

It is that time of year again where the ryegrass seedling isn't strong enough for traffic, yet without cart paths we have no choice.  As the days grow shorter and the temperatures drop, the recovery of the new turf slows.  To help in reducing the damage please scatter ... which means drive where others haven't.

In addition to traffic wear it appears that frost is already on the horizon.  We have had a couple of days so far with a touch of frost but the upcoming weekend appears that frost may delay play.  Please watch out for the low and shady areas when it is cooler.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Veteran's Day

American Flags on the PG

Today is a day I hold very special in my heart and always take moment to say a special prayer for men and women in uniform here and abroad.  I, myself served my Country in the Air Force for 8 years and was blessed mostly with 8 years of peace.  Additionally, unlike my nephew who is in the Marines and just got back from Afghanistan I served my time in the rear with the gear.  Another extremely special member of my family, my daughter, is serving her Country in the Yellow Sea outside North Korea in the Navy on the USS George Washington.

Please take a moment to say a special prayer for our brave soldiers in uniform around the USA who proudly serve their Country and are put in harm's way everyday.  I ask you in joining with me to pray the safe return of guys and gals in the theater of harm around the world.  God Bless our troops and God bless America!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Working Even Harder on the Greens

Back of 15's Green on 11-09-11
The greens have been improving vastly since the rain we got and there is still plenty of seed to germinate.  They have recovered so much that we have put on hold any sodding and are working solely on plug repair and topdressing.  With the topdressing we seeded bad areas once again.
Front of 16's Green on 11-9-11
Even the green surrounds have been improving ... but does this mean we are stopping ... no.  We are working harder than ever over the next couple of weeks to fully recover these greens and then start working on speeding them back up.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Greens Repair

As many of you already know we had issues on the back nine greens in October thanks to the heat, lack of wind and disease that came with those conditions.  We have repaired them quite a bit but not enough for me to be satisfied so starting today we will be starting the select sodding repairs.  On holes such as 10, 13 & 16 there will be edge repairs performed, and holes such as 11, 12 & 15 there will be plug repairs.

These repairs will start today and hopefully will be almost completed by tomorrow.  But these sodding repairs will not alone fix our issues thus on Friday we will be topdressing the back nine greens (depending on weather).  We went from 10 degrees above normal to now 10 + degrees below normal which will slow the recovery process.  But rest assure it is the most important thing on our list to get done.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Opening Day

It is opening day and it is expected to rain ... figures doesn't it.  This October has been full of challenges from temperature at or over 100 degrees until 10-24-11, to pythium outbreaks and grass loss due to heat thus melting out, to less time to prep the golf course, to manpower shortage, to the street project slowing the team down, etc.

With everything throw at my team they still stepped up and performed their very best.  We may not have the green speeds I would want or the back nine may not be in the condition I like, or even the bunkers may not be finished prepped as I would do in the past, but I could not be more proud of my team and all of their hard work.  If you would have seed the golf course a week ago you would understand their efforts to make the best course they could.

Enjoy and realize we are still fixing issues ... but we will get there.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

One More Day

Tomorrow is the big day ... the course will open.

We are still working quite hard on the golf course to get every thing ready for the opening and looking down at the list of things that have to get done still is always so daunting.  Since the weather is cooling down so much in the upcoming week we decided to change a couple things up and fertilize the golf course today to maximize it's effect on the ryegrass.  With all of the hot weather in Oct. the bermudagrass blossomed more than we like, thus to combat it's "yellowing" effect that will come in late Nov. or Dec., we are fertilizing it now ... just love changes but that is the nature of natual systems.

We may not get the entire list done that I would like but we will focus of the keys items to have the golf course ready.  I should note that while we are still repairing some of the back nine greens the height of cut will be higher than our usual, thus slower green speeds. 

Over the upcoming weeks we will bring everything back into place.  We are currently working on raising our staffing levels back to workable levels and hopefully we will be there soon.  Please bare with us during these first couple of weeks and you will be pleased where we are going.  And remember that this is the first year that we had less than 30 days to open thus our window for getting things done was greatly shortened.  Not to mention the disease issues that plagued the Valley & us this year.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


8's Approach 11-2-11

8's Approach (After pythium) on 10-21-11
We are starting to see some great recovery around the golf course from all of the team's hard work.  The approach on 8 was almost completely wiped out ... and now it has vastly improved.  The greens on the back nine ... well let's just say they improving everyday.
15's Green on 10-24-11

15's Green on 11-2-11
As you can see we are not 100% yet but we will be getting there soon.  12's green is where we have seen some of the greatest improvement after the pythium attack.
12's Green on 10-24-11

12's Green on 11-2-11
We will continue to focus our efforts on improving the greens and they will improve over the upcoming weeks, but sadly the green's speed will not be there for opening day due to the higher cut to allow the seed to continue to germinate.