This morning we will be finishing up the major sod repairs on the greens and
additionally we are finishing the collar repair on the front nine greens. After
today all of the repairs will be minor spot repairs which are slated to
continue all next week. Speaking of next week we will be sand and leveling
these newly sodded areas with plans to aerify them in another week after in a
smooth effort. I will be out on vacation all of next week but still be in touch
with my team's progress ... if my wife allows it I might even keep the postings
Miguel Working of Sod Repair on 1's Green |
I am still hearing that there are still some summer members that believe
that the transition should never occur. The top management from JC is trying to
address their concerns but the plain truth is that if you overseed there will
be transition ... facts are facts. I truly wish that that there was some magic
fairy dust that I could sprinkle over the golf course that would fix this
problem but as on today's date no such dust exist.
Sod Repair on 1's Green |
Another thing I hear that we treat our summer members as "second
class" compared to the seasonal members. Nothing could be further from the
truth. Most of my assets are slated towards the summer months to address heavy
turf growth, higher irrigation usage, heavy defoliation from the trees and of
course the golf course. Our staffing for the summer is increased 16% to address
the needs of the summer time, but it is true that we also do things such as
projects and aerification ... and of course transition.
Removal of Back Bunker Almost Complete |
During the season ... at the start, we close for five weeks to switch for
warm-season to cool-season turf. And we spend additional one or two months
getting it strong for January the start of the heaviest play. While we are
closed and in November the golf course looks ugly at first until the
cool-season turf grows in ... but in the summer we remain open during the
conversion back to warm-season turf thus what is only weeks seems like months
of ugliness. If we were like Big Horn we would close for 10 weeks during this
conversion to warm-season turf, or even like Bermuda Dunes, we would close for
2 weeks to make this conversion smoother. We are not like either of those
courses and remain open during the entire process.
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