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Monday, April 30, 2012

Season, for the Most Part is Over

With the finishing of the Tapestry and the Adios party, the 2011 -12 season comes to a close, but rest assure the work never stops -- nor our dedication to excellent service and product to our members that still remain.

May is the start of the real work for the GCM staff.  As the temperatures rise, so does the amount of growth of the bushes, turf and everything is general.  Today, we will start the process of the removal of the winter flowers which takes us about three to four days to complete.  This will include treating the beds for weeds, and the expansion of the new clubhouse bed on the hill near the parking lot (this will take some time to complete).

Additionally, today we will start the edging of the bunkers because like everything else with the increased temperatures the runners are expanding into the bunkers.  Speaking of bunkers, this summer we are expanding our crew size to 19 to better take care of the golf course during the summer with so many activities and vacations occurring.  This is part of the master plan to address the concerns of our summer members.

We will be starting to outlying greens such as the small putting green, chipping greens and nurseries starting in May.  Please watch the blog for the upcoming dates.  And lastly, the month of May starts the death of the Poa Annua in the fairways and roughs.  This is quite the ugly process in where not only does the Poa off-color and die, but it also grows twice as quickly trying to produce seed heads for next year's crop ... wanted or not.  We will start in May scalping these areas to improve them quicker.

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