a. Upcoming Week:
a) Jun 27th foliar spraying greens.
b) Jun 28th verticutting greens.
c) Jun 29th fertilizing greens with 21-0-0.
d) Jun 30th verticutting greens.
e) Jun 30th fertilizing fairways with 21-0-0.
b. In Next Week After:
a) July 4th week limited crew due to Holiday.
b) July 5th start aerifying the roughs.
c) July 5th foliar fertilizing greens.
d) July 5th verticutting greens.
e) July 5th fertilizing tees & fairways w/21-0-0.
f) July 6th 21-0-0 the greens.
g) July 7th start aerifying the tees & fairways (depends on Holiday).
h) July 7th verticutting greens.
i) July 7th or 14th fertilizing fwys & tees w/21-0-0.
j) Weekend of July 9th limited crew due to aerification.
c. In Near Future:
a) Weekend of July 9th limited crew due to aerification.
b) July 11th start drill & filling the greens – cont. wall-to-wall aerification (course open – certain holes closed).
c) July 11th foliar fertilize greens.
d) July 14th verticutting greens.
e) July 14th fertilizing greens w/21-0-0.
f) July 15th spraying Cascade & X-Sodis on greens.
g) Weekend of July 16th limited crew due to drill & fill.
h) July 18th foliar fertilizing greens.
i) Starting July 18th spot fertilizing as needed over remainder of July.
j) July 19th verticutting greens.
k) July 21st verticutting greens.
l) July 25th foliar fertilizing greens.
m) July 26th verticutting greens.
n) July 28th verticutting greens.
o) July 29th topdressing greens.