Yesterday we finished the aerification of the chipping greens without a hitch, and over the next few days we will be leveling and removing excess sand. The reason for preforming the aerification of the nurseries and chipping greens is two fold: first, it will allow recovery time in case the turf on these greens is needed for repairs on the golf course when those greens are aerified; and second, it allows us to adjust and repair the aerfication equipment that has been sitting for almost a year. There is nothing worse than losing a half to a full day during the course closure due to preventable equipment failure.
Chipping Green Day After Being Aerified |
The repairs on the nozzle issues on 12's fairway has been completed. Due to pressure issues and nozzles we found it simpler to replace and upgrade all the heads in question and use the parts from the old heads for other repairs needed around the golf course.
12's Fairway with New Heads |
Today, we will be spot fertilizing the "hot spots" around the golf course. These are areas where due to the increased temperatures transition has already occurred. I should note that the recent cooler temperatures although loved by the golfers, have allowed the
Poa Triv and ryegrass to get healthily again. Sound good but it truly isn't. Until these cool-season turfs die that bermudagrass will not fill back in ... simply put, two turfs cannot occupy the same area, thus the cool-season turf has to go.
Lighter Turf is the Bermudagrass (Not Desirable) |
Better Bermudagrass Density on Some Greens |
I am not very pleased on where a few of the greens are standing so far on the amount of healthy bermudagrass. As you can see by the picture above it is wider spaced than I would like. Solution may be the increasing of the verticutting to further remove more of the
Poa Triv ... more to come.
Side Note -- Some of the Tree Planted Are Filling in Nicely |
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