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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Rains & Wind

Last night we got some much needed rain which will help flush any salt build up in the soil's profile. Plus, the rains will allow us to glean savings in water & electrical use which is always a good thing. I should note something that I hear often that many believe that the rains also bring nutrients -- well this is true in other parts of the country where there is lightening ... but sadly not here in the Valley. Lightening is required to break the triple-bond connection between nitrogen gas allows it to become free N for a little additional nitrogen input to the soil. Since the storms in the Valley for the most part do not usually come with lightening the nitrogen bond remains intact thus staying in the gaseous form (mostly).

Along with the rains we have been experiencing winds up 60 mph gusts. So far we have not lost any trees and only a few bigger branches; however, there is a lot of debris around the golf course. Currently, we are cleaning the golf course and will continue until everything is cleaned up.

Starting on Monday we will start our annual spring weed suppression program. You will notice three spray rigs around the golf course applying chemicals (MSDSs and labels for these chemicals can be gotten by contacting me). The good news is that these guys applying the chemicals are very good and they will stay out of our member's way to the best of their ability.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Upcoming Timelines

With so much going on with events and maintenance I thought it would be nice to share our plan with you the member. None of these items are set in stone but are what needs to be done.


1) Upcoming Week:

a) Week of Feb 22nd limited crew due to holiday.
b) Feb 21 – 23rd spraying wall-to-wall Barricade (fairways first).
c) Feb 24th fertilizing fairways with 21-7-14.
d) Feb 25th lightly topdressing the greens.

2) In Next Week After:

a)Feb 28th foliar spraying the greens.
b)Mar 2nd foliar spraying fairways & tees with Ca nitrate.
c)Mar 3rd lightly topdressing greens.

3) In Near Future:

a)Mar 7th foliar spray greens 12-0-0, Micro Mix & Get Green.
b)Mar 9th lightly topdress the greens.
c)Mar 10th foliar fertilizing the tees & fairways.
d)Mar 14th foliar spraying the greens 12-0-0, Get Green & Primo.
e)Mar 15th spraying the greens with Cascade, X-Solis & Acelepryn.
f)Mar 17th lightly topdressing the greens.
g)Mar 22nd lightly topdressing the greens.
h)Mar 23rd heavy rolling the greens.
i)Mar 24th heavy rolling the greens.
j)Mar 25th either heavy or lightly rolling the greens.
k) Mar 26th light rolling the greens.
l) Mar 28th foliar spraying the greens.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Another Cold Day

Today is the coldest day all season. On 18 at the weather station we hit 28 degrees, which means that in the low lying areas such as 2 & 3 the temperature most likely dipped to the 25 degree mark. As soon as we are able we will lift the frost delay and start play.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Frost Damage

Today we had a hard frost and for the first time this year someone decided to drive on what I am sure they thought was a non-frosted hole ... well they were wrong. The pictures to the right of this post show the damaged areas and sadly these areas will get worst over the upcoming week, and additionally will take weeks to recover. So please, no matter the conditions, never drive on the golf course without checking with the Pro Shop first.

Additionally, those Round Up areas on the greens had to be repaired since they continued to get worst. All the repairs should be completed by Friday of this week.